- HCI 主機控制器介面(Host Controller Interface). 主機(電腦)和控制器(藍芽設備)之間的介面.
- L2CAP 邏輯連結控制器適配協定(Logical Link Controller Adaptation Protocol),這一層充當其他所有層的資料多工器.
- BNEP 即藍芽網路封裝協定(Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol) , 可以在藍芽上執行其他網路協定, 例如 IP、TCP 和 UDP.
- RFCOMM 稱作虛擬串流通訊協定(virtual serial port protocol),因為它允許藍芽設備類比串流的功能
- OBEX 通訊協定層是在 RFCOMM 層上面實作, 把資料以物件 "檔" (data) 的形式傳輸
- SDP 是服務發現協定(Service Discovery Protocol)層,用於在遠端藍芽設備上尋找服務
- AVCTP 和 AVDTP,用於藍芽上音頻和視頻的控制.
底下用 jsr82 來實現 RFCOMM.
import java.io.*; import javax.microedition.io.*; import javax.bluetooth.*; public class RFCOMMServer { public static void main( String args[] ) { try { String url = "btspp://localhost:" + new UUID( 0x1101 ).toString() + ";name=SampleServer"; StreamConnectionNotifier service = (StreamConnectionNotifier) Connector.open( url ); StreamConnection con = (StreamConnection) service.acceptAndOpen(); OutputStream os = con.openOutputStream(); InputStream is = con.openInputStream(); String greeting = "JSR-82 RFCOMM server says hello"; os.write( greeting.getBytes() ); byte buffer[] = new byte[80]; int bytes_read = is.read( buffer ); String received = new String(buffer, 0, bytes_read); System.out.println("received: " + received); con.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.err.print(e.toString()); } } }
import java.io.*; import javax.microedition.io.*; import javax.bluetooth.*; public class RFCOMMClient { public static void main( String args[] ) { try { String url = "btspp://0123456789AB:3"; StreamConnection con = (StreamConnection) Connector.open(url); OutputStream os = con.openOutputStream(); InputStream is = con.openInputStream(); String greeting = "JSR-82 RFCOMM client says hello"; os.write( greeting.getBytes() ); byte buffer[] = new byte[80]; int bytes_read = is.read( buffer ); String received = new String(buffer, 0, bytes_read); System.out.println("received: " + received); con.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.err.print(e.toString()); } } }
請注意 "url" 要改成你的 address & port.
如不知道,可用jsr 82所提供的 ServiceSearch.java
結果: BlueCove version 2.1.0 on winsock wait for device inquiry to complete... Device 001D289E7AFE found name K530i Device 2421AB354DC5 found Device 001E45B4779B found name Z610i Device Inquiry completed! 3 device(s) found BlueCove stack shutdown completed
The specification does not address nor provide APIs for the following:
回覆刪除1. Audio (voice) transmissions
2. Telephony Control Protocol – Binary (TCS Binary or TCS-BIN)
The API is intended to provide the following capabilities:
1. Register services
2. Discover devices and services
3. Establish RFCOMM, L2CAP and OBEX connections
4. Conduct these activities in a secure fashion