- Ref:
- UVM reference flow
- UVM tutorial
- http://cluelogic.com/tag/vmm/UVM_AGENT
- transaction and sequence
- transactions level info
- collect pin level info to transaction package info, like AXI, req, data, reps, phase for one valid transaction
- sequence
- a lots of transactions
- read/write with burst/2D ...
- ex:
- jb_tx = jelly_bean_transaction::type_id::create(.name('jb_tx'), ...);
- #create transaction
- start_item(jb_tx);
- #start transaction and send it to sequence_item
- finish_item(jb_tx);
- # end of transaction
- agent
- verification module that contains
- monitor module(collect transaction)
- sequencer module(sequence_item handler)
- driver module(drive transaction to virtual interface)
- ex:
- jb_ap = new(.name('jb_ap'). parent(this));
- jb_seqr = jb_sequencer::type_id::create(.name('jb_seqr'), .parent(this));
- jb_drvr = jb_driver::type_id::create(.name('jb_drvr'), .parent(this));
- jb_mon = jb_monitor::type_id::create(.name('jb_mon'),.parent(this));
- #build up each sub modules @build_phase
- jb_drvr.set_item_port.connect(jb_seqr.seq_item.export);
- jb_mon.jp_ap.connect(jb_ap);
- #connect ports and interface @connect_phase
- #check conf(RGM) and interface is ok @build__phase or end_of_elaboration_phase
- environment
- build up test env
- Agents
- Scoreboard
- record/check each transaction from master to slave is correct, if the transaction is error or out of time. show up some UVM_ERROR message to log file.
- ex:
- if ( !find_tx_in_jb_queue(tx) ) `uvm_error("trs not found..")
- package
- build up 'import package' for each protocol or special purpose.
- `include "axi_driver.sv"
- ....
- `include "axi_env.sv"
- ex:
- import AXIPacakge::* #AXI standard protocol
- test_lib
- build up test env
- configure set
- address range
- register fields
- ex:
- uvm_config_db#(jelly_bean_configuration)::set
- (.cntxt(this), .inst_name("*"), .field_name("config"), .value(jb_cfg));
- analysis_port(binding analysis port to analysis_export)
- easily to analysis and trace
- systemverilog tlm package socket to systemc socket
- analysis_port, analysis_export
- ex:
- jb_ap.write(jb_tx);
- # write transaction to analysis port
- jb_ap.connect(jb_sub.analysis_export)
- # connect analysis port to export in connect phase
2013年3月28日 星期四
UVM notes 1
張貼留言 (Atom)